Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Nightcap - 8/19: Giants and A's in Action, Melky Cabrera, and the Joke of the Day

Both Bay Area teams went for sweeps today, but only one was successful.

The A's celebrated the tenth anniversary of "Moneyball" by sweeping the Indians and winning their fourth straight. Who knows, maybe they can win sixteen more?

Not so good for Ryan Vogelsong and the Giants, who got pounded 7-1 in San Diego.  With the loss, the Giants fall a half game behind the Dodgers for first place in the NL West.

The Melky Cabrera story gets even worse. In a surprising twist, the New York Daily News uncovered a plot by the All-Star Game MVP to prove that he inadvertently used PEDs. The ploy involved creating a fake website that sold a fake product.

Joke of the Day

In light of the Melky Cabrera suspension, we asked SF Chronicle's Henry Shulman via Twitter: "If the Giants win the World Series, will Melky Cabrera get a ring?".

He replied back with this witty response:
Ha! Gotta love it.


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